Christine Ayala

Nov 13, 20191 min

Every Day

God’s word gives us lots of reminders of this - in Romans He tells us to renew our minds so we don’t get sucked into conforming to the world, over and over in Psalm 1 He says that when we meditate on His word every day and night, that we “are like trees planted along the riverbank,

But each day we must choose. Each day we are confronted with temptation, disappointment and sin. Each day we need God more. It’s easy to think, “I’ve got this. I’ve been through this before, I know what to do.” But the truth is, you may have learned, but you still need God to fight your own human weakness and to fight the devil. We have to do these things every day. E V E R Y. D A Y! #cslewisquotes #followgod #everydaywithgod #discipleship #chooselife #followerofchrist #scripture #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional