Christine Ayala

Jun 28, 20201 min

Heart Matters

David was such a great example of what a vibrant and intimate relationship with our Lord looks like. God called him a “man after His own heart.” Wouldn’t you like God to say that about you?

This relationship requires complete honesty and transparency with yourself and with God. We have to be willing to let God pull the veil back to let us see the truth and ugliness of our sin and truly repent. David had it right though, we need God’s help to do this - we aren’t good at rooting out all the little stuff that can actually be hurting us. When we give God permission to do this in our lives, we’re able to overcome so much and become more and more able to fulfill the purpose for which He created us - and walk with Him like we’re completely in tune with the love of our lives. I don’t know about you, but I want that so much! #jesusloverofmysoul #createinmeacleanheart #searchmeogod #walkinthespirit #discipleship #childofgod #goodgoodfather #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional