Christine Ayala

Dec 11, 20191 min

In Spirit and Truth

The modern church looks at worship like ice cream. “I like this flavor, I don’t like this other flavor.” “That flavor is gross, you can’t even call it real ice cream.”

We run from the words duty and obligation, which is fine, but our GOD deserves our humble worship every day. Even the days we don’t feel like it! So call it what you want to, but worship Him in Spirit and in truth, out loud. I used to value the type of music and the quality of the musicians in church too highly (I am a musician), but I let that go. I go to church to worship the Lord of my life with others. Period. No matter whether I “like” the music or not, I focus on and give God all my worship - my feelings don’t drive me, my faith does. #faith #walkbyfaithnotfeelings #worship #BEthechurch #humility #worshipinspiritandintruth #walkinthespirit #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional