Are you one of those people who “doesn’t get mad, but gets even?” Or, if someone breaks your trust you do t give them a second chance? When things get heated between you and others you love, do you remind yourself - or them - or other times they’ve let you down?
1 Corinthians tells a lot about what love is, and how true love should be. It also tells us what love isn’t, and what it doesn’t do and love NEVER keeps a record of wrongs.
Never? Never! When you choose to love others, you need a willingness to be vulnerable and selfless. It’s not about you or what you’re going to get, it’s about what you give and why. You are giving away what God has given you - true love, compassion, kindness, patience and forgiveness. Forgiveness is an integral part of love. They cannot live apart from one another. So, let go of anything you’re holding against another. Just let it go. #letitgo #forgiveness #truelove #keepnorecordofwrongs #theywillknowusbyourlove #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional #yourjourneytobeingwhole