Prayer is our connection to our Father. And without it, we will struggle to be in tune with what He is doing in and around us. There are way too many Christians who don’t really pray! Praying before meals and with the Pastor on Sunday isn’t a prayer life. There’s no intimacy in that! You need to be rooted in the Rock of Jesus to survive the storms that this world will bring. When you’re fastened to the Lord with this kind of prayer, no matter how hard the wind blows or the storm rages, you won’t be blown away. You will not be moved and your faith will get even stronger.
Jesus taught us how to pray in Matthew 6, He wasn’t trying to give us the exact words to recite, He was prescribing a formula for how to connect with God in the right way and with the right heart.
-Praise and honor to the Lord
-Asking for His will
-Present your needs and desires, hope and dreams to the Lord
-Be honest and repentant about your sin and ask for forgiveness- and forgive others
-Ask for the Lord’s help to resist temptation and evil.