How often are we like a child who wants to do something we just aren’t ready for - like ride a bike, or walk to school alone, or drive a car? How often do we think we are ready for the next big step in our life and God has us wait? It happens to me all the time!
I think I’m ready and then God teaches me something else and I see how much I needed that lesson. I don’t want to be the kid who is always trying to get free from a parent holding their hand when walking across the street. I want to hold God’s hand on every step of this journey I’m on. I pray I won’t stray or delay His plan and purpose for my life. I pray the same for you today. #childofgod #calledandchosen #goodgoodfather #createdonpurposeforapurpose #walkingwithgod #discipleship #prayer #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional