No matter how hard we want to believe that there is a place where we can relax from the spiritual battle against sin, until Jesus returns, there just isn’t. In Romans 7, Paul explains this to us in great detail. Sin is in our nature, we are saved by grace and God washes away the stain and the eternal consequences of our sin, but the sin nature is still there. Without the Holy Spirit, we would rarely win, but with the Spirit we have victory and power... and freedom! It’s a crazy balance and life for the Christian - but if we don’t fight sin and temptations, they are likely to overtake us. So fight! Pray! Worship! Read the Bible! #justdoit #BEthechurch #christianliving #discipleship #walkinthespirit #savedbygrace #goodgoodfather #spiritualbattle #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional
- Christine Ayala