Today I’m meditating on this and the words of St. Augustine:
“What then are you my God? What, I ask, except the Lord God. For who is the Lord besides God? Or who is God besides our God? — Most high, most good, most powerful, most omnipotent, most merciful and most just, most secret and most present; most beautiful and most strong; most stable and incomprehensible; unchangeable (yet) changing all things; never new, never old; making all things new, and bringing the proud to (the collapse of) old age; ever acting, ever at rest; gathering, and not needing; carrying and filling and protecting (all things); creating and nourishing and perfecting; seeking, though you lack nothing.”
How wonderful, how glorious, how marvelous is our God! #godisgreat #godwithus #thelordiswithyou #beloved #grace #redeemed #yourjourneytobeingwhole #shalom #createdonpurposeforapurpose