It’s important to remember that just because something happens doesn’t mean that it’s God’s will. There is a battle going on in and around us all the time. God CAN change reality and He CAN control every outcome, but He doesn’t... because He gave us the freedom to choose. Every day we sin, this isn’t Gods will. Everyday someone drives drunk and kills an innocent victim, this isn’t Gods will. However, Romans 8:28 gives us a powerful promise:
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
Those who believe and follow Christ are called and chosen. Pursuing His call and will for your life (even when you aren’t in ministry) gives you this promise. I have been astounded at how the Lord has done this in my life. My path has certainly been full of mistakes, sin and struggle, but God has woven it all into an amazing story of redemption and faithfulness and given me the opportunity to share it with others. All things are possible! #allthingsarepossible #believe #faithingodsplan #goodvsevil #forgiven #childofgod #shalom #healingjourney #journeytowholeness #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional