God makes broken things new - He isn’t a “fixer,” He is a renewing, regenerating, restoring God, and He longs to work this way in your life.
God isn’t passive. When you’re going through tough seasons, when you’re broken inside or out, or you’re losing hope - He is there. He’s waiting for you to place it before Him and trust Him to BE GOD.
Then you can walk in confidence that God is working and moving in your situation. You can pray for God to continue the work He began and for Him to show you His plans and purposes. Then God can work in you to heal you and make you whole - that’s ultimately what He wants for you! You are His precious child! #childofgod #friendofgod #goodgoodfather #wholeness #shalom #allthingsnew #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional