Why did Jesus have to tell us to do this?
Loving people is hard enough - people are human. They make mistakes, can be selfish, and let you down. Yet, we love because He first loved us and because our lives are better when we love. I’m not referring to a warm fuzzy feeling - I’m referring to the love that comes from God. This love is full of compassion and mercy and grace - like Gods love for us is...
But our ENEMIES? God wants us to BE different. The world hates enemies, it’s easy. Following Christ is choosing love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. Even for our enemies. Loving enemies sets us apart from the world and can even change the world. Be a world changer! @theywillknowusbyourlove #BEthechurch #loveyourenemies #justdoit #whynotyoufoundation #dountoothers #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional