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Christine Ayala


Our God is a God of miracles! All we have to do is open our eyes and see. Science is miraculous and was invented by God. The laws of physics were created by God - and He’s the only one who can break them.

The same power that made the sun stand still, Jesus to walk on water, heal the sick and raise the dead - is in you and me. The Holy Spirit is in us and with us. I have experienced the miracle working power of Christ more than once. I know it’s real. I believe. Sometimes when I ask the Lord for something big, or even a miracle, He wants ME to exercise MY faith and wait,,or tap into the power that He has given me. What about you? Are you waiting for a miracle? #miracles #walkinthespirit #powerofjesus #faith #believe #discipleship #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional

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