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Christine Ayala

Morning Person?

I used to proclaim “I’m not a morning person” as my excuse for waking up late, being irritable and hurried. When I heard that you should always take some time away with God in the morning to start it off right and centered on Him, I just echoed my excuse in my head and to God.

When my kids were young, I realized I was setting a terrible example to them - that it’s ok for mommy to be irritable and hurried in the morning. I asked God to change me, and to make me “a morning person.” It didn’t happen over night, but it didn’t take very long until I woke up with a song in my heart and would take a few minutes praying and have a great morning with my family. It wasn’t all roses and sunshine every morning, but I am forever grateful for God’s help in this.

“The steadfast love of the lord never changes,

His mercies never come to an end,

They are new every morning, new every morning,

Great is your faithfulness O Lord”

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