Pastor @chuck.foreman.71 preached on about Hosea this week and I’ve been reading that book and thinking about that message a lot. How often do we, the American Church, fall into the category of the Israelites in this story? I’m not talking about the Americans who don’t follow Christ, just the ones who say the do. How many times have we been unfaithful to God? How often have we chosen our own desires over God’s? How often have we chosen indulgence over obedience to the Word or the leading of the Holy Spirit? How many times have we treated others as sinners while we sinned? O Lord, please heal us and make us whole, one body, your bride. @fccphx #onespiritonechurch #christianliving #discipleship #walkthrtalk #theywillknowusbyourlove #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional