Christine Ayala

Jan 4, 20201 min

Plans & Purposes

This is the truth. We have a Father who loves us without measure or condition.

The same God who created the universe and hung every star in the sky with perfect precision also created each on of us. He wanted us, He chose us and He has purposes and plans for us. He created precise situations for us and He continues to do so. Sometimes we think He doesn’t know what He’s doing, and sometimes we run from His plan - this doesn’t make it any less perfect for the purposes for which He created us...

Do you know your purpose? If not, God says to seek Him and ask - He will answer when you listen. Just remember - Gods plans and purposes are much higher than ours and you may be very surprised about how different His plan is than yours....

#createdonpurposeforapurpose #calledandchosen #childofgod #goodgoodfather #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional