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  • Christine Ayala

Mercy & Grace

“Blessed be the Lord! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy.” Psalms 28:6 ESV

Our God is rich in mercy and grace. He pours them out on us without measure - yet we limit how much we will accept from Him. Why do we do that? God actually wants to forgive us and give us this grace and mercy - He knows we don’t deserve it. The truth is that there is NOTHING we can ever do to deserve what God gives to us freely. So accept it. Walk in His forgiveness, mercy and grace. Let Him lift up your head to be and do all that He has purposed for you. Shine! You’ve been redeemed! #redeemed #mercy #grace #forgiven #goodgoodfather #christianliving #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional

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