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  • Christine Ayala

The Best Friendship

Do you have a friendship with Jesus? When you sing songs like “I am a friend of God” or “What a friend we have in Jesus,” is it true for you? Or when you sing the chorus of “In the garden,”

“And He walks with me

And He talks with me

And He tells me I am His own...”

My friendship with Jesus Christ is precious to me, and even when I’ve turned away from it for a time, my friend was still there when I turned back. Yes, He is my savior and my God, but I talk to Him like a friend too. I tell Him my fears and what I’m excited about. I tell Him about my day and my hopes and dreams... and disappointments. And He responds because He loves me and He does call me His friend.

So many of us haven’t experienced this because of many factors - but Jesus is the best friend you can ever have. If you want this, the start Your Journey to Being Whole today. #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #friendofgod #childofgod #goodgoodfather #jesuslovesme #christianliving #dailydevotional

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