Waiting quietly for the Lord is one of the disciplines of following Christ. For many of us, it isn’t easy. We live is a culture that hates to wait - but we have to do it all the time, whether in traffic, in line at the grocery store or Starbucks, or for something to do with our health.
There is a lot of teaching about waiting in Scripture. Waiting expectantly with our hope and faith in God is our instruction. I’m thankful that I’ve gotten better at it with age, but sometimes it’s still difficult. I think of all the hostages in Gaza right now and their families- that kind of waiting is excruciating. I think of all who have a loved one who is sick or in hospice too. I pray for all of these and for anyone who is waiting in God for something (all of us…) to find His peace that passes all understanding and be filled with hope and faith. Amen.