Worshipping God is a lifestyle - not just an activity we participate in when we go to church. Don’t get me wrong, meeting together with other Christians to worship together is vitally important and necessary (according to scripture). But the redeemed soul inside of us, the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, must thank and worship the Lord! And must do so in Spirit and in truth - not pretending or putting on a show.
The Lord is not only worthy of ALL our praise, He deserves it ALL the time. Please don’t think that worship is only when you’re singing or going to church. Worship is thanking Him, praying, giving to and serving others - whether at work, school, home or the grocery store, whether silently or out loud, worship! #worship #BEthechurch #discipleship #theywillknowusbyourlove #godisworthy #praiseandworship #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional