Christine Ayala

Jul 13, 20231 min

God-sized Dreams

What is the wild, crazy, maybe even impossible dream you have? Have you told anyone, or is it locked up in your own heart? Is it from God?

Many of those crazy, audacious dreams we have ARE from God. “Write a book,” He said to me. It did seem a little crazy to me, it wasn’t my dream to be an author, it was 💯percent from God - and He got it published too. “Write another book now” He said. So I did that too. And He did His part too. God’s call became my dream - and now, what’s next. I’m not sure, but I know that’s it’s bigger than I can ask or imagine. Don’t limit God and don’t limit what you think you can do with and for Him and what He can do in And through you!!

#impossibledream #godisfaithful #miracles #calledandchosen #justdoit #thelordiswithyou #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional