We all have a deep desire to feel complete, to be whole and lacking nothing. The problem is that we try to accomplish this on our own or through other people and things. We put our hope in them when all our hope should be in God.
Our Lord is the ONLY way to being complete. He alone can take all the different aspects and pieces of our lives and personalities, our pains and sorrows, and our joys and accomplishments and weave our lives into an exquisite tapestry. He alone can heal us from the inside out, but we must trust Him and give Him our broken hearts first. This is humility, to recognize that we don’t have the power to do this, but we are the children of the one who does. Turn your eyes on Jesus today and don’t hold back. #turnyoureyesuponjesus #faith #healing #hopeinthelord #nothingmissingnothingbroken #shalom #onespiritonechurch #christianliving #dailydevotional