“All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;” 2 Corinthians 5:18 ESV
What does this mean to us - what is God asking us to do here? It’s a simple message, “Get Along!” God is drawing people to Him and we are His ambassadors.
How we receive these people and treat them either attracts them or repels them... if we are judgmental, or overly busy, if we’re complaining about ANYTHING, or we dazzle them with our mastery of “Christianese” then we aren’t attractive at all.
To be effective: Be real. Be available. Be friendly and kind. Do not complain about ANYTHING. #theywillknowusbyourlove #loveoneanother #ministryofreconciliation #ambassadorofchrist #BEthechurch #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional