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Christine Ayala

Step by step...

Day by day...

Week by week...

When we follow Jesus, each step, each day of each week is our journey to being whole, complete and closer to all that God created us for - we are constantly becoming and growing more Christlike.

Being a Christian isn’t a religion. If it is, then you might not have the right focus. Religion focuses on our ability to follow guidelines and live right. We will always fail when this is our focus.

Being a Christian is all about following Christ - His word, His example and His Holy Spirit all lead us. They help us when we stumble and get discouraged. Jesus pours out grace and love on all of His followers and asks us to pour it back out on others. THIS is what it means to be a Christian: to love God and Jesus and to love our neighbor (all of them) as ourselves. #theywillknowusbyourlove #wwjd #onespiritonechurch #yourjourneytobeingwhole #discipleship #christianliving #shalom #dailydevotional

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