How much time have you spent trying to get through a door that God has closed? My answer is “Way too much time!” It’s much better to use our time to seek God for the path He DOES want us to take than to look for ways to go back to something He took away - even if it was a good thing.
There’s a saying that when God closes one door, that He opens another... or a window. This isn’t in the Bible, it’s not a promise of God. But He promises to be with us through the journey - even in and especially in the times when we’re waiting for God to open the next door. If we spend this precious time trying to go backwards or opening doors God has closed (because we are stubborn), then we can miss the still small voice of God leading us out.
Following God requires times of waiting in prayer and faith with patience... it’s part of the Christian walk. #waitonthelord #godclosesdoorsforareason #faith #walkinthespirit #christianliving #discipleship #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional