Sometimes I feel as though my heart would burst with love and compassion for others, especially those who are Christians but don’t have good teaching or mentor ship. The life of a Christian is a life of discipleship- this becomes difficult when we don’t have a teacher. Unfortunately, some of us have teachers who are not walking with God, but going their own way.
God gave us the Holy Spirit so we wouldn’t be on our own to figure this all out. The Holy Spirit in us and with us and will lead us and teach us. The Spirit will also let us know when a leader is not going the way God wants you to go. Thank God for His direction - it leads me and inspires me to be and do all that HE created me to accomplish on the earth - my purpose. I pray that it will bless and empower many more people than I can possibly touch on my own. #godspurpose #walkinthespirit #BEthechurch #discipleship #christianliving #poweroftheholyspirit #shalom #onespiritonechurch #calledandchosen #dailydevotional