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Christine Ayala

I love that God chose people like Peter, who was completely imperfect in full display of others. There was no hiding it - however, he’s the only one who got out the boat to walk on the water - he was willing and obedient. Even when he denied Christ 3 times, he hadn’t gone into hiding like all the other disciples - he was actually following to catch a glimpse of His Lord Jesus.

God chose each one of us. So we need to pray like David did: “create in me a willing spirit.”

I don’t know about you, but I’m willing and I really try to be obedient, but I blow it all the time. I am so grateful for Jesus and His grace and unending patience with me. #willingspirit #graceandmercy #calledandchosen #createdonpurpose #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional

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