I see people praise God when they are happy or He has answered prayer. That’s not only easy, it’s expected and necessary!
However, it’s just as expected and necessary to be grateful and praise Him when circumstances aren’t praiseworthy - because God is ALWAYS deserving and worthy of our praise. He is always good. He is still forgiving us ALL THE TIME for soooo many sins! He is still keeping His word and all of His promises to us. He is still faithful and He is still loving us unconditionally. He is still pouring out His grace and mercy, even if it doesn’t seem like He is.
So worship and praise God today - on Monday, for this is the day the Lord has made - let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let us praise Him and ask Him to reveal more of Himself to us. The more we know God, the more we have to praise Him for!
#praisethelord #worship #goodgoodfather #godisgoodallthetime #godisworthy #christianliving #thisisthedaythelordhasmade #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional