“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Regrets. We all have them... and if we don’t, we should. I know many say they live with no regrets because they’ve learned from their mistakes and they needed to learn those lessons - I get that, but I regret it when I sin. I regret the people I’ve hurt by my selfishness or pride. I’m grateful for God’s grace and forgiveness and I have learned from those mistakes. But this is true - I can only move forward and, with God’s help and lots more of His grace, do better. He makes all of us new, when the old passes away, let it go! This isn’t a one-time-only thing God does for us - He is continually regenerating and renewing us. We are eternal beings with Him. I pray that I will BE and DO all that He has purposed me for.
Let go of the old and embrace the new work that God is doing in and around you. #godmakesallthingsnew #newcreation #godsnotfinishedwithmeyet #goodgoodfather #createdonpurposeforapurpose #discipleship #forgiveness #letgoofthepast #cslewisquotes #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional