Perspective is everything. God designed the Sabbath to let His children rest. He designed us. He knows exactly what we need and don’t need, what will help us and what won’t. Sabbath was a time to take our focus off of what we do, our work, and on God and family. To rest in His goodness and in community with faith as the common denominator. Our families, our church and God.
Our culture makes rest all about our self, and it’s promoting selfishness, self-centeredness and self-gratification. That isn’t God’s design and it isn’t something that “you deserve.” I’m not saying we shouldn’t take care of ourselves - no, not at all! But that’s not what Sabbath rest that God requires is all about. It’s about Him. It’s about taking the focus OFF of self.
Our culture also promotes and highly values productivity, and as @richvillodas said, it’s an idol. If we bow down to the need for productivity, we are unfaithful to God. We make earning and working more important to us than He is and He doesn’t bless that kind of work. God isn’t looking for us to be self-sufficient. You don’t find that in the Bible either - He is looking for those who trust Him and obey Him.
Sabbath rest has been a struggle for me at times. Being in ministry, especially worship ministry, I am often “working,” but I’ve found a balance and rhythm with the Lord for Sundays that is much more restful and focused on Him. What does Sabbath look like for you?