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Christine Ayala

Soul Thirst

We all have those moments, or days, or seasons in our lives when we feel empty inside or alone. This can happen even when we are surrounded by people we love and are living productive lives on the outside. And it’s because our souls long for more of God. “As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.”Psalms 42:1

We need time and space with our Lord as much as we need to drink water. I remember knowing this and making excuses for not being able to spend time God. Babies, jobs, housework, and sleep deprivation are real but they don’t stop you from singing along to praise music - this is prayer. Music is a great way to seek God. There aren’t any rules for this and God longs to fill you just as much as you need to be filled. #longingforgod #soulthirst #walkinthespirit #timewithgod #christianliving #godislove❤️ #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional

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