No matter how dark it seems, the Lord is with you. You are still His child and He will not ever leave you or abandon you. You can walk away, but He will follow you, even pursue you with His grace and His mercy. He will never fail.
Consider that for a moment. He will never fail to ultimately save you once you belong to Him. There is no circumstance that is beyond His power of redemption. His power and His plans are a mystery to us - we don’t often get it when things don’t go the way we think they should. I bet David thought that a lot after God sent Samuel the prophet to anoint him the next king of Israel, because he spent most of the next 15 years running for his life from Saul. That whole time, David’s faith grew, his dependence on God took over and the Lord was teaching him to be a great king.
The Lord is with you too! #shalom #thelordiswithyou #speaklife #thejesusway #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional @tobymac