None of us want to hear the word, “No!” We want others to be supportive and to back us up without questioning anything. At the same time, we want friends who truly care for and about us and are wise. The thing is, this kind of friend isn’t just a “yes-man or woman,” they tell you the truth in a loving way because they care about you. God is like that. He isn’t a vending machine or a genie in a bottle, He is the ultimate Friend and perfect Father and He will only do what is best and He will only tell the truth. When you follow Him, He will work things out His way, not yours. Your faith will help you navigate through it and you will see Him work on your behalf. God loves you!
#godlovesyou #goodgoodfather #walkbyfaith #trustinthelord #stepbystep #thelordiswithyou #prayer #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional