Do you see humility in those you worship with? With those who you work with or those you “do life” with? I do now, but I remember when I was younger, it wasn’t one of the qualities I looked for in others. I looked at their accomplishments - measuring success according to the cultural values instead of Biblical ones.
Now when I see true humility- knowing who you are, why you are and what your place is - I’m attracted and spend time getting to know that person. You need the Holy Spirit for true humility, because we don’t really know our true identity without knowing Christ and being led by the Spirit. Unbelievers might THINK they can operate in humility, but I don’t think they really can - they’re always putting their faith In Themselves or other people.
When you look in the mirror, do you see humility or pride. Are you thankful or critical. Are the eyes of Christ looking in the mirror with you? Ask for His help if you need it - clothing yourself in humility isn’t the same as what the Quakers or Mennonites do - it’s ok to be fashionable or attractive as long as that’s not where you place your value. #justsayin #humility #amazinggrace #yourjourneytobeingwhole #shalom #childofgod #BEthechurch #dailydevotional