God’s ways are perfect and His love for us is also perfect. He has every intention of taking care of us and protecting us. Why do we struggle to trust Him? Why is hard to believe sometimes? I’ve been thinking a lot about trust recently. Contemplating how our fickle we can be - I can be.
The Lord tells us that people are like sheep, they need guidance and protection and they have a tendency to go astray into dangerous situations. Sounds about right. We think we are so smart, but as soon as we have that mindset, we become vulnerable to the wolves - the devil. That’s when we can’t be trusted. But our Lord can always be trusted. Turn to Him when you have doubts instead of to the world. Give Him the desires of your heart and let Him guide you to His best for you. Trust Him. #justdoit #faith #trustinthelord #walkinthespirit #humbleyourselves #goodgoodfather #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional