Each day, who’s approval do you seek? Who are trying to please out of fear that, if you fail, you’ll be sorry? You’re in danger when your fear of other people and they’re reactions to you and what you’re doing. It’s not wrong to please your spouse or to do well in the workplace - quite the contrary - as long as we are doing it from the place of our love and service tot God and to others.
Our love and respect for God must outweigh our love of our self and of getting praised by others. Our love and respect for God must include obedience to God and that means that we put Him first in our lives over our relationships and our work. Trusting God and seeking Him is the way to peace. #trustingod #believe #fearofthelord #goodgoodfather #theywillknowusbyourlove #discipleship #shallm #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional