…or on ourselves. While I was single, God really taught me to depend on Him. I thought I already did, but most of my prayers were for a partner and husband because I was so lonely. It took years, but I finally did become so comfortable and satisfied by my relationship with God that I was ok with being single. He truly was enough for me and everything for me. The Holy Spirit was my “ride or die” and the Lord was all I needed. He had always been there, always taken care of me in every season and circumstance - I don’t know why it took me so long to surrender my desire to Him so that He could give me His best and show me His goodness. #goodgoodfather #godisfaithful #thelordiswithyou #stepbystep #jesusisenough #godwithus #emmanuel #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional @cslewis_official