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Christine Ayala

Your Heart

It’s so simple, but it is not easy. Our human hearts are fickle and selfish. When we give Jesus our whole heart, and don’t hold back, we not only receive immeasurable grace, forgiveness and salvation - we receive a new heart and the Holy Spirit dwells within us to help us - and boy, do we need help! Because even as a “new creation in Christ Jesus,” we are still human - we still have a sin nature.

Jesus never leaves us or forsakes is and the Holy Spirit is living inside our spirit, and yet sometimes we are still so selfish or disobedient that we have to humble ourselves and submit our hearts to the Lord again. We call this repentance, and it’s an ongoing part of living the Christian life. #lordigiveyoumyheart #christianliving #submittogod #repent #grace #forgiveness #humbleyourself #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional

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