Yesterday I wrote “Don’t ever stop praying for that person. God can do anything in anyone at any time.” The day before, I wrote about discernment being the difference between right and almost right. Today, we’re going to take them both a little further.
Discerning an error in judgment or in someone’s life is a privilege and a precious gift that must be handled with humility, grace and compassion. It’s not for you to “set them straight” or put the person on the spot. God trusts you with the knowledge so you can pray, intercede on their behalf. And then, perhaps you’ll have the opportunity to speak life-giving, not critical, words into that person’s life and see God at work! #togodbetheglory #humility #walkinthespirit #wwjd #grace #discernment #yourjourneytobeingwhole #shalom #dailydevotional