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  • Christine Ayala

Are You Listening?!?

Are you listening?!

How many times have you asked someone this question after the eyes seemed to glaze over? Or, how many times has someone asked it of you?

Very few of us (including me) are great listeners. I know some people who are and I marvel at their active listening skill. Today I ask myself, what am I doing to develop and improve that skill...especially when it comes to listening to the Lord? How about you?

Consider the amazing difference it could make in your life and the lives of those you love. Relationships would get stronger, trust would build and we would understand others much more clearly. If we take the time to listen, really listen to God - what will He day to us? I hope you’re excited to find out... I sure am! #listening #trust #wisdom #earstohear #christianliving #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional

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