The hope of every believer is to stand before the Lord and hear Him call you by name and say “Well done.” I still hope for this knowing just how many times I haven’t “done well” at all. God’s grace and mercy cover me and help me become more faithful and closer to Him. He enables and empowers me to become who I can be.
I pray that I come to a place where I can truthfully say that “my longings, my hopes, my dreams and my every effort has been to live for Him who rescued me, to study for Him who gave me this kind, to serve Him who fashioned my will, and to speak for Him who gave me a voice.” #ravizacharias #becomingachristian #discipleship #createdonpurposeforapurpose #childofgod #servantofgod #faith #theywillknowusbyourlove #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional