I’ve always avoided these words - the woulda coulda shouldas. They are not helpful. I’m not saying you shouldn’t regret things - I think it’s important to learn from what I’ve done that wasn’t wise or was downright sinful. And even though I learned hard lessons from some of those sins, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t know it was wrong and chose to do it anyway.
I’ve spoken with people that tell me I shouldn’t have regrets - that I should live my life with no regrets - and I get what they’re trying to say - but I think it’s prideful to be that way. Plus, there’s that word “should.” So judgmental…
I hope that as I walk more closely with Jesus I will be more disciplined in those kinds of choices and learn from Him instead of from mistakes. That is wisdom, that is discipleship. #ihavedecidedtofollowjesus #discipleship #discipline #walkinthespirit #readyourbible #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional