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Christine Ayala

Don’t Complain

Nobody likes hearing people grumble and complain, including God. Whining isn’t just unattractive, it’s annoying! God IS patient with us, His children, until He’s not… Think of the children of God in the wilderness after they had been saved from Egypt. All they did was grumble and complain to the Lord, all while He was supernaturally taking care of them - and He didn’t let them enter into the promised land. They perished in the wilderness.

We have the great privilege of access to our Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit! But we enter into that special, holy place of His presence by having a heart and mouth that is full of gratefulness and praise. We do get to tell Him about our concerns and fears, but in the context of honor and respect, not entitlement and demands.

Lord, let my ears be in tune with you and help me not to be a complainer. I want to walk with you! Amen. #dontcomplain #enterwiththanksgiving #praisethelord #heisworthy #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole @justvaljane @robertmadu #dailydevotional

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