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Fighting Your Fight

Christine Ayala

When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior." Judges 6:12

We are taught about the armor of God and the sword of the Word of God pretty early on and pretty often. The weapon I use to change the atmosphere and get closer to my Lord, Savior and Best Friend is worship. I often have worship music playing in the background, but it’s when I turn it up dance, sing and praise that I am filled with strength, power and confident faith. When I sit at the piano and sing simple songs of love for Him, I am refreshed. I have felt “something” resisting me and pushing me away from my piano - so I literally made myself sit down and worship - and slowly that resistance left. The devil knows the power of praise, after all he was the worship leader of the angels. He will do anything to quiet our praise, or get us to sing about sin. YOU have been called and equipped by God to win your battle and fulfill your purpose! #justdoit #createdonpurposeforapurpose #purposedrivenlife #praiseandworship #spiritualwarfare #thelordiswithyoumightywarrior #friendofgod #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional

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