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Christine Ayala


“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 ESV

I wonder how many things, how many people, we (who call ourselves Christians) have judged to be unforgivable... meaning that we do not want to apply the faith and love of Christ to that person or offense because we have decided that they don’t deserve it. We forget that we don’t deserve Gods love and forgiveness either...

Forgiveness doesn’t come easy, but it is THE WAY that Christians, followers of Christ, are to respond. It doesn’t mean that you trust a thief with money, it means that you let the thief have the opportunity to experience the love and forgiveness of Christ. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t consequences for a persons actions, just that you’ve forgiven them in YOUR heart and are kind. It’s that easy and that difficult. #justdoit #forgiveness #followerofchrist #theywillknowusbyourlove #cslewisquotes #BEthechurch #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional

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