This statement stopped me in my tracks. Gods favor CAN bring blessings and prosperity but it can also bring the blessing of dependency on walking by faith one step at a time. Think of Paul - he wasn’t wealthy when he served Jesus, but he was when he persecuted Him…
I can remember a time when I though that money could solve most of my problems. I was wrong! I needed wisdom and grace because some of those problems weren’t caused by a lack of money - their root was in evil motives.
The Gospel isn’t about prosperity, it’s about grace and about people - the good news is that we are redeemed m! Do you pray for wealth, prosperity and blessings more than you pray for God’s will, Holy Spirit, other people and Wisdom?
#somethingtothinkabout @johnstephenpiper #shalom #BEthechurch #wisdom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional