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  • Christine Ayala

Not That Powerful

There are a few times in my life when I really thought that I’d blown it. I mean, I had messed up my walk with God and betrayed the calling to which I was called - and I was pretty sure I had lost my calling and purpose. I was reacting to circumstances in fear instead of faith. I was being selfish and making self-centered choices that were not based on faith at all, in fact many were based on fear. It was an amazing day when the Lord taught me that His plans and purposes aren’t dependent on me, He will do what He said He will do. Period. And, I don’t have the power to change that.

My disobedience and sin caused pain and created needless angst, but it didn’t change God’s plans for my future and my hope. Even if I feel like it’s all burned down (and it isn’t), our God specializes in bringing beauty from the ashes. My fear made me suffer for a little while, but God’s grace is sufficient for me to turn back to His path and follow His lead. His grace is enough for you too!

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