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Christine Ayala

Peace in the Middle of Trouble

Our peace doesn’t necessarily mean that the trouble has passed. It just means that Jesus has come in and brought calm faith into your heart. The storm can still be raging and you can still be in perfect peace. Why? Because He told us about it centuries ago - “in this world you WILL have trouble, but take heart, have hope, be at peace, because I have overcome the world.”

The Lord is not surprised about what is going on. However, He is heart broken for those whose hearts are broken. He loves each of us like His favorite. He is very busy healing and delivering and comforting and yet He has time for each of us, to bring us peace too. #goodgoodfather #jesuslovesyou #blacklivesmatter #peaceofgod #faith #christianliving #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional

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