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  • Christine Ayala


God has shown us many times that He really does have a good plan for our lives. He promises it to us, and yet we still try to manipulate and dictate a plan that WE think is best. God gives us the freedom to pursue it, and when it brings heartbreak and pain, we tend to blame God instead of ourselves… I’m a witness - completely guilty of this.

I praise God for His faithfulness, even in these heartbreaks! I’ve seen Him refine me and position me through this pain, despite my selfishness and disobedience. He is so good and His grace is amazing!

I’m getting better at waiting on the Lord for His will and His timing. I’m seeking Him now about next steps in this ministry. Lord help me follow your plan! #createdonpurposeforapurpose #discipleship #godstiming #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional

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