When you tell someone that you’ll pray for them, do you do it?
When you’re worried or anxious, do you really cast your cares on the Lord in prayer?
These are two keys to living a life of faith, but both are prayer. I know a lot of Christians who simply don’t pray very often. They aren’t really “in touch” with their Savior. This is no way to live. I think the main reason Christians don’t pray is because of shame. We feel shame when the cares of this world or our sin becomes more important to us than God. It’s easy to forget that God covers us with grace and mercy all the days of our lives if we simply turn to Him. So turn, pray and be at peace. #peacetheworldcannotgive #nomoreshame #trustinthel #christianliving #pray #prayerchangesthings #yourjourneytobeingwhole #shalom #dailydevotional