When you take those big leaps of faith, the ones where you can’t succeed without God doing His part, you can feel shaky. There have been times when I literally said out loud, “I will continue, I will not be shaken, the Lord is with me, I will not be shaken.” Over and over again to encourage myself.
Sometimes we need to Say, “It is well with my soul.” When we feel like we are crumbling - not to be dishonest, but because we believe God and have more faith in Him than in our circumstances.
The key to everything is keeping our eyes always on the Lord. We see this many times in the Bible, it must be important. It’s easy to get distracted, this is why I will say these things out loud - they help me keep my eyes fixed on the author and finisher of my faith instead of the circumstances or temptations from the enemy.
What do you do to help you stay focused on God? #eyesfixedonjesus #iwillnotbeshaken #childofgod #itiswell #walkbyfaith #walkinthespirit #calledandchosen #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional